Halcyon Eco

Roscommon-Based Commercial Cleaners Sweep All-Star Status

Halcyon Cleaning praised for standards of excellence by All-Ireland Business Foundation

Roscommon-based commercial cleaning and hygiene company Halcyon Group has been accredited as Business All-Star 2022 by the All-Ireland Business Foundation (AIBF). The company, based in Roscommon Town since being founded in 2004, has received the accolade for excelling in the areas of trust, commitment, performance, and customer-centricity.

As well as this prestigious external quality mark, the company has also been added to The AIBF’s Register of Irish Business Excellence (TRIBE). Halcyon Group is one of the largest hygiene services companies in Ireland and is also growing in the UK market under the stewardship of its CEO, Peter Kirwan. Their suite of services includes everything from the cleaning of ventilation and grease extraction systems, to floor refinishing, and fire and smoke damper testing.

The Halcyon Group Team receiving their Business All-Star accreditation certificate from  Mr Kieran F. Ring, Deputy Chair of the AIBF adjudication panel.

Business All-Star Accreditation is an independently verified standard mark for indigenous businesses, based on rigorous selection criteria.

The company is also proud of its role in ongoing staff training and development and won Ireland’s Cleaning Specialist of the Year in the 2020 Prestige Awards.

Sales Director at Halcyon Group Linda Meakin said it’s “an honour and a privilege to receive this accreditation by such a prestigious brand:

“Halcyon means ‘When all was good’, and this excellent achievement and recognition shows to our team and clients that it’s more than just a strapline.

The last few years have been a battle for those of us servicing the hospitality sector, but new and bright opportunities are ahead. Halcyon intends to be leaders not just in the specialist cleaning domain, but also in cooking oil filtration innovation.

This accreditation enables us to shout about our achievements and future plans, with the support of all our team, without which none of this would be possible.”

Deputy Chair of the Adjudication Board, Kieran Ring, has paid tribute to the Halcyon Group for their Business All-Star 2022 accreditation:

“Halcyon Group offers a suite of specialist commercial cleaning and hygiene services, and they’re among the largest hygiene services companies in Ireland. 

“We wish to recognise Halcyon Group’s conduct in the areas of trust, commitment, performance & customer centricity. The company is hereby included in The AIBF Register of Irish Business Excellence (TRIBE).”

The All-Ireland Business Foundation (AIBF) is an autonomous national accreditation body tasked with enterprise development and the promotion of Best-in-Class in Irish business.

The Foundation actively engages and supports its network through peer dialogue, collaboration, mentoring and enterprise development activities. Companies are qualified for accreditation by completing an enterprise audit and are identified by their use of the AIBF’s Business All-Star Marque.

AIBF PRESS CONTACT                                                HALCYON GROUP CONTACT
Michael Brophy                                                              Kelsey Miley
Communications & Press Officer | AIBF                    Marketing Manager
media@aibf.ie / 0876462643                                      0879652151

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